I think…. I KNOW eating gluten negatively affects my mood? How am I going to make it without bread!?
How am I going to make good-for-me food choices without deprivation?
Like Oprah, I love bread! It’s been a lifelong love affair. But It needed to end because EVERYTIME I had anything with gluten in it (bread, barley in particular) my mood would be on quite the ride. I knew it was unnecessary stress for my body.
Can you relate?
Have you had similar symptoms or signs that the breads and pastas always make you feel tired, hungry, moody, maybe even indigestion or belly pain – even though they are whole grain?
Have you doubted this connection you’re noticing ? Or thought going gluten free is a fad, will be impossible for you because you LOVE bread and pastas?
I get it, it’s tough quitting gluten foods.
They’re delicious, you’ve been eating them since you were little, it’s in the majority of packaged foods … even supplements. I don’t know about you, but it was my go to comfort food when sad or stressed or scared or anxious or depressed… eating bread felt soothing.
And I knew it had to end because it was destroying my health.
So what helped me quit gluten?
- Learning (by studying Functional Nutrition) about the connection between gluten, my gut health and my mood.
I’ve learned through research and study that one big reason that food with gluten are so damaging to our health, even for those without crohn’s or celiac disease, is because it can destroy the villi.
The villi are the small finger-like projections in the small intestine that are responsible for absorbing about 90 % the nutrients our bodies need to heal, grow and sustain healthy function in our bodies and our brains.
The way they become damaged is by the chronic inflammation caused by certain foods, toxins, and stress.
One of the potential (for you) damaging and inflammatory foods that’s often hard to let go of are foods with gluten in them.
Not only is it a common part of many cultures around the world, but gluten attaches itself to opiate receptor sites in our body. As a result, it has a pleasing pain numbing effect that keeps us hooked even when we’re getting clear signs and symptoms that it’s contributing to our health, mood and mental health issues.
2. Learning how to make my gluten free cakes and bread alternatives that hit the spot without compromising my health.
When I finally made the decision to quit gluten and see how it goes, I noticed a lot of the gluten free baked good options in the store have ingredients I already knew my body does not do well with. At this point in my journey things like sugar and canola/ sunflower oil were non-negotiable for me. I choose not to eat them because they are a big trigger for chronic joint pain ( as well as other health issues) in my body.
So in the kitchen I’ve begun an exploration of new ways to enjoy baked goods like this fluffy, satisfying, delicious breakfast cake that just happens to be gluten free, grain free, mood-swing free – and healing.
2. Considering and exploring these two powerful questions..
If foods with gluten are damaging the villi that absorb 90% of the nutrients that the body needs, what kind of nutritional deficiencies are created in your body and brain? What diseases and health issues will manifest themselves a year – years from now because of these nutritional deficiencies?
I encourage you to explore these questions, the science-backed evidence for yourself and to download, print and try this recipe Gluten-Free Breakfast Cassava Orange Cake.
Breakfast Cassava Orange Cake
Prep Time: 15 – 20mins
Cook Time: 30 – 40 mins
Serves: 2 mini cakes
1 cup almond flour
½ cup Cassava flour
3 tablespoons coconut sugar
1 ½ teaspoons baking powder
Orange zest from one whole orange
1 teaspoon baking soda
⅛ tsp salt
2 jumbo or x-large pasture raised eggs
¼ applesauce
⅓ c maple syrup
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
- Start the oven to preheat at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Grab two 6 inch cake pan and cut a piece of parchment to fit the pan.
- In a small food processor blend the dry ingredients ( almond flour, cassava flour, coconut sugar, baking powder, orange zest, baking soda, and salt) to mix evenly for 30 secs. Then pour mixture into a large mixing bowl.
- In the same food processor, add the remaining ingredients, the wet ingredients, and blend for 45 secs.
- Add this wet mix to the dry ingredients and mix with a spatula until you have a nice smooth batter.
- Pour and divide the batter into the prepared cake pans. Top batter with coconut flakes before putting in the oven to bake for 30 to 40 mins.
- Check at the 30 min mark to see if done if not cook for 5 to 10 more minutes.
- Serve this with tea or with ghee, coconut oil, or nut/seed butter with honey spread. Ohh or with avocado spread.
Hope you enjoy this recipe!
For those of you who you dealing with chronic painful and weird symptoms and would you like support to get your health back, naturally and holistically? I can help, book a consultation with me to get started.